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W3DLR can run flawlessly on Win7/32 - proved!
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TOPIC: W3DLR can run flawlessly on Win7/32 - proved!
W3DLR can run flawlessly on Win7/32 - proved! 6 years, 1 month ago #3560
Half a year ago I reinstall Win7/32 instead of WinXP on my old school gaming PC. And, of course, the first game I reinstalled was W3DLR. I used ISO, patch 1.02 and No-CD patch for 1.02. And, as always, I played it with DxWnd, with all these tricks like -wincursor parameter and other ones DxWnd sets up for DLR.
Yesternight I tried to run some other old games that always required some tweaks on my previous Win7 install (including DxWnd, compatibility mode and so on) but this time I tried to run them 'as is' by some strange whim. After having all of them running perfectly 'out of the box' I tried to run W3DLR and was astonished: it ran absolutely flawlessly with no DxWnd tricks (as old Direct3D emulation, cursor tricks and such), no compatibility mode and even no -wincursor parameter. I tried various game modes (campaigns, scenarios) with various settings during a hefty number of turns, with battles and all, with all these colorful cursors on - and no bug, no lag, just naught of all. Just like it's 1998 again and I use Win98... I can't recommend my case to anyone though just because I use a certain 'not thoroughly legitimate' Windows 7/32 pack, and Russian version thereto. But the fact itself truly excites me: W3DLR can run on Win7/32 flawlessly out of the box with no shaman dances around. |
Last Edit: 6 years, 1 month ago by Flagris.
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