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Warlords 3 on Win10?
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TOPIC: Warlords 3 on Win10?
Re: Warlords 3 on Win10? 7 years, 6 months ago #3450
I'm gonna need your help on this. I downloaded the zip file Utopia and unpacked it. There does not seem to be an executable file to install the machine. So what is the next step. I already unpacked the Darklords rising K4SH to my HD. |
Re: Warlords 3 on Win10? 7 years, 6 months ago #3451
I assume you downloaded the 'Warlords III Virtual Box' that is a Warlords.ova file. If not, that's what you need. That file is the virtual machine that is Win 2000 + DLR (including all the extra heroes/units etc). It doesn't 'install' itself. Then follow the instructions here from Batz to get Virtual Box (which gets installed) which runs the ova file. www.warlorders.com/warlords3-dlr/technic...in-a-virtual-machine KGB |
Last Edit: 7 years, 6 months ago by KGB.
Re: Warlords 3 on Win10? 7 years, 6 months ago #3452
Warlords III: RoH is listed there. You probably just missed it as there are like 25 pages worth of games listed. DLR is not listed (yet) but Chris said to me (as I posted above) that he has both. I am sure if you ask him he will let you know the details. EDIT: Here is the link to his Warlords III: RoH version (again, he has both this one, DLR and also Warlords I and II but you have to tell him ahead pof time that you want DLR instead of RoH): www.ebay.com/itm/WARLORDS-III-REIGN-OF-H...p2055119.m1438.l2649 |
Last Edit: 7 years, 6 months ago by SkeleTony. Reason: Included link
Re: Warlords 3 on Win10? 7 years, 6 months ago #3453
When I click on the ova file the VM starts and imports some stuff. Then Win2000 starts but stops half way and notifies the there is no mouse integration in the current resolution and the VM stops loading Win2000. That's where I get stuck. What am I doing wrong? |
Re: Warlords 3 on Win10? 7 years, 6 months ago #3454
I'm not sure what's wrong. I wonder if the newest version of Virtual Box doesn't work with that older VM or something else security wise in Win 10 is causing an issue. It definitely appears your re-install of Win 10 hasn't gone smoothly if you can't get this VM to work and other ways you use to run DLR don't work either. I'm going to contact Batz to see if he has any ideas. KGB |
Re: Warlords 3 on Win10? 7 years, 6 months ago #3455
Hi guys, yes I'm still around but it's been a few years since I played W3. I haven't tried VirtualBox within Windows 10 at all so I can't help. However I would expect that it should work fine.
I might try to run it at the weekend if I have time, if so I'll post back here. |
Re: Warlords 3 on Win10? 7 years, 5 months ago #3456
I think there is an easier way to make W3DLR run on modern OSs then running on virtual machine. You could check out this thread, DxWnd runs on Win10.
warlorders.com/forum?func=view&catid=14&id=3407 |
Last Edit: 7 years, 5 months ago by Flagris.
Re: Warlords 3 on Win10? 6 years ago #3573
Been a long time but I just wanted to update some information about the business of running W3:DLR on Windows 10 (x64 is what I have). First of all the version I talked about (the ebay store of Chris' called "allvideo" that features games set up to install and run on Windows OSes (including Windows 10 x32 or x64)...I bought it just to see how it worked. Turns out that he emulates an earlier Windows OS to install and run the game but the way he does this, while I can play DLR fine - it does not allow you to modify or even see the actual files ('Armies', 'Heroes', etc.) so you cannot use Molotov's editor or any other similar tool. Of course this makes his version of DLR almost worthless for us. So I started poking around a few sites and found this: www.old-games.com/download/6321/warlords-3-darklords-rising The download on that page uses the 'ISO' image file manipulation thing to install DLR plus the 1.02 patch in a way that leaves the files necessary to modify/customize DLR within one folder with all of the individual folders (armies, heroes etc.) within. In the installation folder itself are three DLR 'bat' files you can right click and 'run as administrator' (I always use the second file which runs the game without the music files being played because I do not even want to deal with any problems with the music...). So far it works great. |
Last Edit: 6 years ago by SkeleTony. Reason: typos
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